TRADING INSULTS: Michael Cohen TAUNTS Trump as former president tests judge

Cohen trump

Tuesday morning will begin with a hearing on Donald Trump’s many alleged gag order violations, for which the District Attorney has requested a fine of $1,000 per incident and a warning of jail time for subsequent incidents.

On Monday, after a week of seeming to test the boundaries of the gag order by continuing to post video clips and commentary attacking witnesses, jurors, and the judge’s daughter, Trump really put it to the test on the last day before the hearing.

Not only did he lash out again at Michael Cohen, one of the key witnesses in the case, and specifically repeat claims his attorney had already been admonished for making in the courtroom, but he did so right in front of the building, in a case where the D.A. has expressed specific concerns that his free and open attacks will make jurors fear for being subjected to the same.

Trump referenced Cohen’s statements in the last case they interacted over, Trump’s fraud case, where Cohen testified that Trump directed him to falsify property values. While Cohen was still serving Trump, he denied this before Congress but has admitted it repeatedly since. Trump publicly declared that Cohen had lied — and committed perjury — in the previous case.

If the defendant intended to intimidate the witness, however, he clearly failed.

Rather than back down or show fear that Trump’s fans might come after him, the former attorney — who is not on trial and, unlike his former employer, not under any gag order — fired back.

Tweeting a photo of Trump in the courtroom, Cohen called his former boss “Von ShitzInPants,” in an apparent reference to rumors that Trump was exhibiting severe and odiferous digestive difficulties when dozing off in court, and to the longstanding accusations (spread in large part by Noel Casler, a former Celebrity Apprentice insider who has repeatedly dared Trump to sue him for violating his NDA) that Trump suffers fecal incontinence due to prescription drug abuse.

Cohen twisted it into a pun, telling Trump that his attacks “stink of desperation,” and saying that he hopes Trump will take a turn on the witness stand.

In a further display of schadenfreude, Cohen retweeted a comment opining that, in light of the blatant display of contempt, tomorrow’s hearing “should be lit.”

[Screenshot via Twitter]
Cohen went to prison over charges stemming from his service to Trump and has been very clear that he hopes to see his former boss brought to justice.

Tomorrow’s contempt hearing may be the first step on the way to having Cohen’s hopes fulfilled.

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Stephanie Bazzle

Steph Bazzle is a news writer who covers politics and theocracy, always aiming for a world free from extremism and authoritarianism. Follow Steph on Twitter @imjustasteph. Sign up for all of her stories to be delivered to your inbox here: