OPINION: An open letter to Governor Sununu from a former Republican


Dear Governor Sununu:
I am a former Trump-supporting conservative Republican. I have been a Republican for the majority of my life. I do understand where you are coming from when it comes to voting for party over country.  I believed for many years that the Democrats were enemies of the country and that they wanted to take our rights away, so I do understand why you will not vote for President Biden.
Your logic would make sense if you didn’t believe he was guilty of anything he did. But what I don’t understand is that you know what kind of person Trump is, and you would still vote for him. He violated the Constitution several times. What happened to the Republican Party that cared about the Constitution?
You acknowledge that Trump is responsible for the January 6th insurrection; you recognize that Trump said he would be a dictator on day one. How could you still vote for a man who has no regard for our Constitutional Democratic Republic?
You don’t have to be a Democrat to vote for President Biden. I haven’t been happy with some of the extremists that are in the Democratic Party, but President Biden is not one of those extremists. Any of the allegations that have come from the Republican Party are false.
There is no connection between him and what Hunter Biden is being charged with. A vote for President Biden is a vote for Democracy. Trump has so many charges against his name; why ruin your credibility on what is good because President Joe Biden is a Democrat?
We must vote for the country over the party because so much is at stake. I don’t think keeping your base or power is worth throwing your principles away. There is nothing conservative about Trump; he has no values or principles, and he goes where the wind blows. And do you want to vote for someone who might run for president from prison?
Governor Sununu, all I am asking you is to please rethink your decision for the country. If you are worried about your base, then why not have a town hall with them and explain why Trump is bad for the country?
Thank you for your time in reading my letter.
Editor’s note: This is an opinion column that solely reflects the opinions of the author.

For clarifications, comments, & typos, email: editor@occupydemocrats.com.

David Weissman

Opinion columnist and Army veteran. Former MAGA, now a Biden voter.