X-STATIC: Twitter users BASH Elon Musk for threatening to change its name & logo

X-STATIC: Twitter users BASH Elon Musk for threatening to change its name & logo

We still don’t know exactly why Elon Musk was allowed to buy and then destroy Twitter, but we’ve now reached a literal tipping point as Musk is poised to change the platform’s name entirely.

Twitter’s famous logo also might fly the coop as soon as Monday because Elon can’t let other people have nice things.

Musk said Sunday that he plans to change the logo from the famous blue bird to an “X” despite Twitter’s claims that “Our logo is our most recognizable asset. That’s why we’re so protective of it.”

It’s not our fault Elon made a bad investment — and we shouldn’t have to pay for a $44 billion dollar revenge-f@#k because he can’t get a girlfriend.

Elon is gleefully enjoying the dismantling of the most powerful information tool the world has ever seen just for the sake of destroying it.

Rich white male privilege is a blight on this planet.

Musk’s obsession with the letter X has been linked to his antisemitism, as Twitter users are already turning it into a swastika in memes.

Aside from SpaceX, Musk founded the precursor to what is now PayPal. Musk has reclaimed X.com to redirect to Twitter, but users should expect plenty of glitches.

“Fun fact!” tweeted Brianna Wu. “Back when it was a banking app, http://X.com was so poorly coded that anyone could use it to initiate payment to or from any bank account.

“It was a vision of the quality management we would come to love from Elno.”

(Elno is one of Musk’s many nicknames so his real one never trends).

Even Elon’s red-pilled followers weren’t thrilled with the changes, but it’s not like the Boy King of the Dipshit Bullies listens to anyone else.

Also, I hope Xfinity sues him for copyright infringement. What a douche.




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Tara Dublin

Tara Dublin is a woefully unrepresented writer who thinks more people would read her cool rock & roll love story inspired by Dave Grohl than any ghostwritten GOP crapbook, agents & publishers. Follow Tara on Twitter @taradublinrocks