Trump just made an appallingly racist tweet on Martin Luther King Day

Many people thought that President Trump’s abbreviated visit to the MLK Memorial in Washington DC was the full extent of his celebration of the holiday honoring the slain civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Trump’s begrudging ceremonial trip to the memorial was meant as an attempt to reconfigure his partisan, white nationalist-supporting image into a more inclusive symbol of America.

It didn’t last long.

The president had a separate MLK Day celebration planned exclusively for his base — a group more open to bigotry than inclusion — and he played it out, as usual, on Twitter. It took the form of a message as far from the ideology of Dr. King as Trump’s privileged upbringing as the son of a wealthy real estate developer who gave him millions of dollars was from that of the social justice warrior born to a Baptist minister who gave him regular whippings into his teens.

Only someone who could refer to the neo-Nazis who marched with tiki torches to protest the removal of a Confederate statue in Charlottesville as “very fine people” would have the audacity to send such a viciously xenophobic tweet on the holiday honoring the man who said that he dreamed of a day when people would be judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

The discrepancy between Trump’s tweet and the message of the man whose legacy is celebrated today was obvious to many of the president’s social media detractors, and they let their fury fly in the comments section after his post.

Perhaps the best reply came in the form of a graphic depicting how Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. himself would respond to President Trump were the civil rights leader still alive today.

There’s really no need to imagine how Martin Luther King Jr. would react to Trump’s racist wall rhetoric. Dr. King’s life was dedicated to bringing people together, and he made his thoughts on walls meant to create artificial divisions between humans known when he first laid his eyes on the Berlin Wall in Germany in 1964.

“For here, on either side of the Wall, are God’s children and no man-made barrier can obliterate that fact” – Martin Luther King, Jr (Berlin, 1964).

Only a president as malicious and purposefully bigoted as Trump would even imagine sending such a tweet on MLK day. Mueller should indict him today in Dr. King’s memory.

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Vinnie Longobardo

is the Managing Editor of Washington Press and a 35-year veteran of the TV, mobile, & internet industries, specializing in start-ups and the international media business. His passions are politics, music, and art.